Michael is available for visits to schools, libraries, stores, conferences, space stations, and sub-oceanic dwellings. His presentations, like his books, are ideally suited to grades 3 through 8, though adults are welcome. Michael has also catered presentations to adults only, though in those he tends to juggle a little less.
Also like his books, Michael's presentations are somewhat different than the average writer's. He incorporates science, interactions with his audience, a tendency to make (what he thinks are) humorous comments, and seemingly limitless energy.
Some highlights include:

*Michael talks about his background, including what he'd thought of being when he grew up (not a writer), what his hometown was really like (no giant trees), and his work with Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and Dreamworks Animation.

*Michael talks about and demonstrates why he - definitely not a scientist - likes to think and write about science. (Note: due to recent difficulties and government mandates, Michael has discontinued the use of his portable atom-smasher. Official Simon Bloom-brand radiation suits are no longer required.)
*Michael talks about writing and his experiences in the publishing industry. This includes discussion of the creative process and where ideas come from (a.k.a. how Michael took his unsuspecting hometown and turned it into the setting of a sci-fi adventure). This part also focuses on the importance of persistence, research, and revision and how that relates to school assignments.
*Juggling. (You thought I was kidding about juggling?)(Hey, it does demonstrate gravity...)
*Michael reads an excerpt from one or both Simon Bloom books, done as the Narrator of his books would. (The Narrator, unlike Michael, tends to wear fake eyeglasses. And a bathrobe. And speaks with a British accent.)(Seriously.)
Presentations run approximately 40 minutes (including reading), plus Q&A. Michael likes to take time at the end to sign books.
For more details and proper zero-gravity procedure, please contact Emily Heddleson, Author Appearance Coordinator for Penguin, at 212-414-3708 or
Or you can contact Michael directly at
planetreisman@yahoo.com or